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Home >English Communication Workshop

Effective communication skills are fundamental to good interactions between two or more people. This book, An Introduction to Communication Skills, is the first in the series. It starts by explaining more about the theory and nature of communication, then moves on to discuss effective spoken communication, the importance of body language and other aspects of non-verbal communication, and the essential skill of listening to others, before discussing barriers to communication, and how to improve communication.

The process of interpersonal communication cannot be regarded as a phenomenon which simply ‘happens’. Instead, it should be seen as a process where participants negotiate their role, whether consciously or unconsciously.

The purpose of English workshops is to make the employees in Non Teaching staff face the competitive world, with a strategic approach to learn the target language through all the skill areas – Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing from the basic level. It also prepares the learners in Business English for effective communication not only as students during their collegiate days but also as employees after being employed. English is, in fact, a world language now. So, the objective of this text is to provide crucial support for English language learners in enhancing and equipping them with the basic communication skills which in turn will help them to converse effectively in the target language and become more efficient.

As per the statement “Action speaks louder than words”, the workshops with its worksheet based approach and role plays for various scenarios based learning process followed by the functional application, it also includes a lot of exercises which enables precious language practice; of course an immense help for the learners in learning English.

Critical aspects identified before the workshop are to identify the nerve of the learners : Other related questions such as –

  • What are your goals?
  • How do you feel about working nights and weekends?
  • Tell me honestly about your strong points and weak points.
  • What was the toughest challenge you have ever faced?


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