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Graffiti - The name says it all!!

Graffiti was inaugurated on 19th of January, with a soothing acoustic night, which was followed by a cake cutting ceremony. The flash mob was an icing on the cake. The morning of 20th January witnessed the grand opening ceremony by our title sponsors – Nirman Group, Co-Sponsors – Lollapalooza and Airtel, Director, faculty coordinators and the student Main Coordinators. The spirit and charm of Graffiti ’18 was felt everywhere on the campus. All thanks to the dexterous Graffiti team. There were long queues of participants at the registration desks.

The theme for this year was Innovenze, which is a combination of two words – Innovation and Convergence. The 2-day event was packed with fascinating competitions, gripping celebrity performances and obviously, the food joints among may other amazing stalls.

The student-driven culture in SCIT has always focused on holistic improvement of individuals. An invaluable experience is earned when the students work day in and day out for something of this magnitude, unanimously to witness its success. Nothing else, but Graffiti, could have taught this. Kudos to team Graffiti!! May Graffiti live long and prosper.