Every year, the Guest Lecture Committee (ITBM) of Symbiosis Centre for Information
Technology hosts a conclave called 'Integrity and Ethics Conclave'. This conclave is a
flagship event where industry leaders and experts, as well as students and corporate
professionals from all over the nation, come together on a single platform to celebrate the
need and importance of Integrity and Ethics not only in the workplace but also in all walks
of life.
With the aim of understanding the revolutionizing trends shaping the future of the business environment and how they are changing business practices, the Guest Lecture committee ITBM, organized the 7th Edition of The Integrity & Ethics Conclave on 17th December 2022. The Main Theme of the Conclave, "Tatva Udbhav - the rising of moral upheaval" focused on changing the regular business practices of focusing on process improvements and profit-making by introducing business integrity and ethical practices to the new "Tattvas" business environment.
The keynote speaker, Mr. Aseem Tamboli, GM - Head Cloud Practice and ISV Alliance at Savex Technologies, then shared his views on the topic - "Are we really prepared for disruptions in business models?" He emphasized the growth of new business models in the industry and whether they are sustainable.
For the first subtheme-"Crafty Manoeuvre"- unethical marketing practices. Mr. Anuj Ranka, who is the Digital Marketing Head at FITTR and was awarded the Most Influential Digital Marketer for the year 2022, then talked about Black Hat SEO. He shed light on some concepts of SEO like "search camping", "increasing CTR with decreasing bounce rate" and the creation of "noise" in the system due to "click baiting".
The second subtheme- "Blinkered Pedagogy" - by Mr Sandeep Suryavanshi- CEO of Aide Expert Advisory, Virtual CTO, Ex Global CIO, Startup Advisor & Investor, and an AI Ethics Researcher, gave a comprehensive idea about how Bias exists in AI. He also shed Some light upon the 8 guiding principles to guide AI development and how AI Ethics are an urgent concern for all major tech companies.
The third subtheme - "Mercurial Culture"- moonlighting, was taken up by Mr. Vijay Chandola, the senior product leader, digital banking, and transformation owner at Axis Bank. He discussed moonlighting where he brought up topics like plain vanilla charting that investigates productivity issues and perspectives.
The fourth subtheme - "E-Commerce: Equality over Equity" was spoken on by Mr. Saransh Agarwal, the CEO of Open Network For Digital Commerce (ONDC). He spoke in detail about the work of ONDC where they use unbundling and interoperability to solve the above issues.
The conclave was an interactive and enlightening session for the students as they engaged actively in QnA with each speaker.