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An Integrated Approach towards improving Information Flow through the relationship between ERP & ERP-II

Author : S. Vijaykumar Bharathi 2008
Year : 2008
Description : Presented at the International Conference on Global Issues in Business and Technology organized by National Institute of Financial Management (NIFM) alongwith University of Maryland, Eastern Shore, USA and Modern Technology & Management Institute Inc., USA, at Faridabad, August 2008

A Metrics-Based Approach to Enhance the Software Quality: A Case Study

Author : Suprika V Shrivastava 2008
Year : 2008
Description : Presented at the International Conference on Global Issues in Business and Technology organized by National Institute of Financial Management (NIFM) alongwith University of Maryland, Eastern Shore, USA and Modern Technology Management Institute Inc., USA at Faridabad, August 2008

Presence of Service Oriented Architecture in Small & Medium Enterprises

Author : Sadhana Ghalsasi 2008
Year : 2008
Description : Presented at the International Conference on Global Issues in Business and Technology organized by National Institute of Financial Management (NIFM) alongwith University of Maryland, Eastern Shore, USA and Modern Technology Management Institute Inc., USA, at Faridabad, August 2008

Enterprise Service Bus: Making Service Oriented Architecture Dream Come True

Author : Sadhana Ghalsasi 2008
Year : 2008
Description : Presented at the National conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management”, RSCOE, Pune, 2008

Child Labour in the Restaurants and Eateries: a case study of Pune City

Author : Rajul Joshi 2008
Year : 2008
Description : Prof. Rajib Lochan Dhar and Rajul Gajendra Joshi, 2008. This paper was presented in the International Conference on Child Labor and Child Exploitation in Cairns, Australia. This conference was organized by Children. Rights International (CRI) which was established at the 2001 Bath Congress. The key supporters of the conference where Australian Council of Trade Unions, Microsoft, World Vision, Child Help line International, Care, Child Wise, Defense for children international, Lasalian Foundation and Save the children organization

Impact of Metrics based Refactoring on the Software Quality: a Case Study

Author : Suprika V Shrivastava 2008
Year : 2008
Description : Proceedings of TENCON 2008 IEEE Region 10 Conference, November 19-21 2008, Pg 1-6 (The paper was archived in IEEE Explore. Paper Number: 1569126333)

A conceptual model for capturing stakeholders' wish list

Author : Vasundhara Kulkarni 2008
Year : 2008
Description : Published in IEEE Explore in December 2008, 4722052, , also cited at ACM portal and has appeared in Google Scholar

Quality Improvement of a Product Data and Process Management Software for Achieving Business Benefits

Author : Suprika V Shrivastava 2008
Year : 2008
Description : Proceedings of International Conference on Innovation in Redefining Business Horizons, IMT Ghaziabad, India, December 18-19, 2008
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